
automatic cheat detection hiccup today

@thibault said in #1:
> Hi
> For 2 minutes today, some games have incorrectly been flagged for computer assistance. This was due to a bug in an update of a cheat detection tool. A fix was immediately released, but the impacted games have already been terminated.
> If you have encountered this bug and your game was flagged, do not worry, it will bear no consequence.

This is unacceptable. Ok you fix this issue, but this means your system fails, and why didn't you accept to talk with people with this kind of problems?
I repeat, this is the "smoking gun" Lichess systems against cheating can fail.

Be honest with you, and support your customers, please.
@JackStone73 said in #81:
> This is unacceptable. Ok you fix this issue, but this means your system fails, and why didn't you accept to talk with people with this kind of problems?
> I repeat, this is the "smoking gun" Lichess systems against cheating can fail.
> Be honest with you, and support your customers, please.
thibault tried his best, OK? This was fixed in 2 MINUTES. Th last time something like this happened was like 1 year ago.
@Gameoverbruh said in #82:
> thibault tried his best, OK? This was fixed in 2 MINUTES. Th last time something like this happened was like 1 year ago.
I don't question the qualities of Lichess programmers to fix the problem. It 's true, they have been objectively good, but if they are so good, .....why is customer support not so good?

For days, I need help and how to try to get noticed but I can't find anyone who can help me.

@corvusmellori said in #85:
> Why do you consider yourself a customer?

I am, because a customer is who habitually avails himself of the services of someone,...
@Gameoverbruh said in #84:
> because theres like 1000 developers and like millions of people

Yes, we are a lot of people, but that doesn't mean we're left at the mercy of the currents, does it?

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