
automatic cheat detection hiccup today

@Arihol said in #50:
> The FAQ entry explicitly says that terminated games, even if the termination is unjust, can’t be refunded/retroactively aborted. Glitches happen, that’s part of the online experience.
No, I can't get the points in the match I'm going to beat, this is ridiculous!
@Joseph2008 said in #51:
> No, I can't get the points in the match I'm going to beat, this is ridiculous!

I understand your frustration, but it’s impossible to retroactively change the results of completed games. I’m not affiliated with Lichess, you can obviously contact the mods and explain your situation in greater detail. But I highly doubt their answer will be different from mine
@Arihol said in #52:
> I understand your frustration, but it’s impossible to retroactively change the results of completed games. I’m not affiliated with Lichess, you can obviously contact the mods and explain your situation in greater detail. But I highly doubt their answer will be different from mine

FM @jeffforever Responded To This Post
hello, I looked everywhere, but I think I can only write to you here, it has nothing to do with cheating, I couldn't get my game points, lichess crashed in a moment. and a few moves seem to be missing in the match After Be5 Move, my opponent played Nh5 I took the pawn in g2 with the pen, and then he made the move Rg1 and I made Rg4+ and the lichess collapsed instantly

After a few moves, my opponent was Morphy's Mat, please refund my score!

@jeffforever : few minutes ago?17:13
@Joseph2008 : yeah17:13
@jeffforever : 17:13
@jeffforever : write here17:13
@Joseph2008 : ok.17:13
@jeffforever : thanks and Lichess is already working on it, but better to double check and write it there, thanks for your patience17:14
@Joseph2008 : ok :)17:14
@thibault said in #1:
> Hi
> For 2 minutes today, some games have incorrectly been flagged for computer assistance. This was due to a bug in an update of a cheat detection tool. A fix was immediately released, but the impacted games have already been terminated.
> If you have encountered this bug and your game was flagged, do not worry, it will bear no consequence.
@thibault said in #1:
> Hi
> For 2 minutes today, some games have incorrectly been flagged for computer assistance. This was due to a bug in an update of a cheat detection tool. A fix was immediately released, but the impacted games have already been terminated.
> If you have encountered this bug and your game was flagged, do not worry, it will bear no consequence.
tutto bene, tutto a posto !
ecco gli steps che ( mi ) sono accaduti:
1) il mio avversario ha vinto la partita, dopo che è comparso l'errore: cheat rilevato. Subito, ho pensato di aver commesso qualche
infrazione. Ho fatto degli stamps.
2) è comparsa la schermata che diceva: server error, più altri messaggi del tipo : " il server sarà disponibile al più presto " ...
3) ho chiuso lichess
4) ho riaperto lichess , e sono andato a controllare il nome del mio avversario. C'era scritto : Questo account ha violato i termini di
servizio di lichess .
5) ho provato ( non so perchè ) a sfidare lo stesso avversario , ma se ne era già andato.
6) ho controllato il mio punteggio, e ( mi sembra ! ) non ha subìto variazioni.

Hi from italy ! maybe i will write the translation, but my english is orrible. Try with google translator ? uhm ....
@Joseph2008 said in #53:
> After Be5 Move, my opponent played Nh5 I took the pawn in g2 with the pen, and then he made the move Rg1 and I made Rg4+ and the lichess collapsed instantly

I've lost positions even more winning than that. Sometimes my Internet goes down at the worst moment, sometimes I mouse-slip, etc. A game is not over until it's over, and as @Arihol said glitches happen and it's part of the online experience.

Calm down, it was just a game. You didn't even lose points.
@pepellou said in #58:
> I've lost positions even more winning than that. Sometimes my Internet goes down at the worst moment, sometimes I mouse-slip, etc. A game is not over until it's over, and as @Arihol said glitches happen and it's part of the online experience.
> Calm down, it was just a game. You didn't even lose points.

this has nothing to do with it lichess crashed!
@Joseph2008 said in #59:
> this has nothing to do with it lichess crashed!

Such a coincidence it happened at the same exact time then :-D

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