
Russian & other languages in forum

You're absolutely right, but i should add that i can speak English, but i still thinking in Russian. And it really makes me some difficulties to paraphrase. Russian is the richest and the most perfect language in the world to express your feelings and emotions. Maybe French can be competitive but here i can dispute))))

Anyway i can't stand from quote Leopold (famous russian cartoon character) : "Ребята, давайте жить дружно!"
"Guys, let's be friends! "
"stupid monkeys" or "faggot" are very soft in English. In Russian they are much more impressive and insulted)))) You can make some mistakes in spelling Russian words specially, and they can be much more impressive)))) but only those whose Russian is native can undestand)))
jepulis is right, not Cynosure
Russian is very sharp-cut language and from dozens of synonyms i choose the exact right word. Which is the most impressive))))
All I've said is that you should think about whether swearing is really necessary - does the situation really deserve you insulting someone? If you think that's incorrect, if you think you shouldn't think about whether swearing is necessary, that seems just plain wrong. We're having a perfectly civil conversation at the moment, so I know swearing isn't needed right now, wouldn't you agree with that? Because if you agree with that, you agree with what I've been saying.
He made made many things that are not very good soft to say. As for me only: he isulted me myself, my mother, my sister, my nation, my religion and my girlfriends...((( He denigrated on me. Not only for me, he made a lot of evil to many other users of this outstanding site. It's very hard to prove, because he acted mostly not on this site, but in (the most famouse Russian social network). He is a real disgusting Troll who had ever lived on Earth(((((

In two words i can say: "Знает кошка чьё мясо съела!"
"The cat knows whose meat is eaten!"

Until he does it on this site, Не шалю, никого не трогаю, починяю примус
It doesn't matter to me where. Я его из-под земли суку достану!!!

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