

my mum and dad, both my sisters and their husbands and 90% of relatives are narcissists. it's hereditary.
really soul destroying the narcissistic abuse.

also growing up in racist uk as a minority is not much fun either. i must have done something really bad in a previous life for god to do this to me.

i'm so sad and unhappy. will things ever get better?
There is hope. You are what you make of yourself.
For what its worth, they are usually in your life manifesting to teach you a lesson. One of the verrrrrrrrrrrrry subtle teachings that was being imparted on me via them from Universe was that I was abusing cannabis. I thought since "empathy"= good, we should be like that lovey-dovey all the time. But being high all the time is not good either. (By the way, I am from California where weed is legal.)

Point being if someone is not taking actions, lazy etc...certain people appears in our lives to kick us in the butt. For me it was cannabis abuse; for others it could be different.

In the Western world we have overpathologized NPD to an extent where people act as if THEY are the virtuous saints and martys and the OTHERS are the ones who are at fault and who should change. In the West, empaths are seen as some 'good guys' where the narcs are the hateful villainous monster.

Well I got news my friend... REALITY is (y)our reflection. The hate and dislike you see appear in others exists within. This is the SIMPLEST teaching that many, many so-called "Authorities" on Youtube and others gurus and so-called "theraputic counselors" miss. Their first, knee-jerk, trigger happy "solution" is: "Well cut down the toxic people in from your life."

Umm...... so if someone is attracting zillion narcs, I suppose one should cut them all out and live in their own little bubble isolated pretending they are the only PURE Sat-cit-ananda saint and rest of the hoi polloi and mass populace is somehow 'troubled'. WTF... You cannot cut out the whole world you know. Pretty soon 1 becomes 2... 2 becomes 2000 and pretty soon the entire nation. Seriously... these teachers and spirituals healers who spout boundaries so that they 'safe' in their cold, callus world cut off from humanity as if rest of the humanity is poisoned and they themselvs are good whereby they will surround the "PERFECT" people in their lives... are the LAST person who should be dishing others advice.

I mean let's face it. NO ONE is gonna come out and have the decency and humility to say: "You know what? I was wrong. The ugliness I see outside exists within me and my shadow." It feels good to say: "I" - the mighty I and Ego is "Right" and "You"... you are wrong.

tl;dr: Embrace your shadow. (As a friend of mine once said: "Everyone wants to be the good guys, but no one wants to be the dark sheep.)

p.s. All these fro my experiences.
And just like you as I look back, I realize all I ever did was attract narcsissists in my life. So the solution for me was simple. To grow some balls, be assertive and stop being others biwatch and punching bag. If you don't like something, my friend, do speak up and say it instead of worrying what will they think.

We tend to think when we speak up they will abuse/hate/dislike etc even more. But the reality is when you speak your TRUTH they may not agree with you or even like you showering with infinite Instagram likes... but secretly they will respect you.

There is a reason why narcsissists are attracted to empaths and do-gooders. In my book, empaths are no better than narcissists.
@original_gangsta said in #1:
> my mum and dad, both my sisters and their husbands and 90% of relatives are narcissists. it's hereditary.
> really soul destroying the narcissistic abuse.
> also growing up in racist uk as a minority is not much fun either. i must have done something really bad in a previous life for god to do this to me.
> i'm so sad and unhappy. will things ever get better?

Cannibalism might not be for you...I think it is! :D
I just got a great sandwich idea! Where's the sandwich marketing market? Hey, yourself...

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