
Multiple premoves in one turn.

I think multiple pre moves is a bad idea because it allows people to get flagged really easily. Or it allows people to catch up on time too easily. I am very satisfied with only one pre move.
All i see is a bunch of hyprocrite people.
If you argu that it's not realistic then you should argu that premoving should not be possible at all, one premove is already not possible OTB.
If you argu that you don't want to be flagged on time, that if it were possible, you would be pretty much forced to use them, then just don't play bullet and let people have fun.

It doesn't matter if it's 1 or 10 premoves, if you play better and not for time, you will win. We all hate losing on time this way but then just don't play bullet, Time is at least as important as the quality of your move, it takes time to come up with better move, it's up to you.
Saying that is a commercial mess is totally irrelevant and just shows the ignorance.
Anyway I'm all for multiple premove at once, because we get used to it on others website.
lichess allows time control such as 0+3, which is as ridiculous as 1+0 when we talk about 'chess', yet it's there, so if you allow that, just allow multiple premove at once.
one more argument, when you are NOT a time player, trust me you still want multiple premove because if you took your time to find the best moves, that your opponent is just playing for time and you have a forced mate in X which is premovable (that is, all move are checks, no possibilities that your opponent tricks you with a blunder) and you have 0.9 secs on the clock, then you do want the ability to premove that mate, because it's bullet.
I'll repeat again, if you don't want to use such a feature and think it'll be unfair not to use it if your opponent use it (which is true) THEN AGAIN DON'T PLAY BULLET, play 1+1 instead.
This is a non issue, people who don't want this are arguing that they don't want people to be too fast, yet they are playing 1+0, it's a joke.
10 premoves might be a lot though, 6-7 is quite enough
I can see this is an old thread, but I'll just throw in an advanced, very reliable pre-move implementation idea...

Multiple pre-moves could be set by first entering one of the opponents possible moves, followed by the reply pre-move, meaning if opponent does this, do that. Thus multiple if-then scenarios could be pre-moved reliably.

Hope you like the idea.
Cheers, and keep up the GREAT work lichess!

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