
Lichess not working on chrome

Yes No problem with Mozilla Firefox
But google chrome it is not working
It is perfectly working on google chrome. Not sure whats the problem on your devices:
I've got an old mac and lichess and other sites wouldn't load on chrome or safari. Works with firefox tho.

As SzewczykOnlyPlayer mentioned seems that my mac's OS is out of date...
I use Chrome and for the past several days lichess has been unplayable on my phone due to a bug that triggers numerous mouse/finger slips and it's terrible. This may be connected to the OP's post. lichess fix this immediately; just a week ago it was a breeze playing on your site.
Btw. the difference between Chrome and Firefox is that Firefox bundles its own root certificates, whereas Chrome uses the system trust store. So using Firefox is indeed expected to work. Nonetheless, using an operating system past its end of life is horribly insecure.
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and my Google chrome version is

Version 94.0.4606.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)

So is it the latest version ??

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