
Ukrainian Voices

Should LICHESS make a disclaimer, that LICHESS is a French site and NATO member? Politics, war, Karma is complicated, and we are all caught up in it, and born against our will to different sides of conflict.
@AndreySemenov said in #19:
> Well, I sadly can't remember such blog on Lichess when ukrainian army bombed Donetsk in 2014. They have been massacring Russian people on Donbass for 8 years and nobody took a shit about that. Even now ukrainian forces continue to bombing civil districts for no reason: yesterday 20 people were killed by ukrainian missle in the center of Donetsk.
> And I'm pretty sure all of that people were pretty much fine about that for all that 8 years. I can't even remember when ukrainian GM (or a chessplayer) spokes out for stop bombing people on Donbass.
And also, despite the historical connection of the game of chess, being a military game of war, played by Priests, Rabbis, Royalty, military leaders, merchants,..., today the game of chess has become secularized, and unlikely any great insight on world affairs to be offered by top chess players. Although individual stories of suffering are always important, and limiting suffering is a noble goal (Ahimsa principle), but taking sides in conflict is a form of escalation, and to some extent amplifying stories of suffering is a form of escalation, and counter productive to proposed goals of limited suffering.
Also never forget Nazi Germany won the 1938 Chess Olympiad, and was the last Olympiad till after WWII.
@Wasserhahn said in #48:
Russian TV has been censored around the world, and in the US couldn't even watch it if I wanted to.
А статья, все равно вышла политизированной. Почему? Потому, что Вы, уважаемый автор, показали войну только с одной стороны. Если бы Вы показали, как обстоит дело, как минимум, с обоих сторон конфликта, тогда статья Ваша стала бы менее политичной. Нужно было показать не одну полярную точку зрения, а как минимум две! Что жители Донбасса не жили в подвалах годами. Там старики уже по звуку различают - снаряд летит, ракета или мина. Поэтому, война эта началась не 24 февраля 2022 года, а гораздо раньше ещё в 2014 году. И начала её Украина, после антиконституционного государственного переворота в Киеве. К этому перевороту не захотели присоединиться Крым и Донбасс. Чем их выбор менее легитимен в сравнении с Киевским переворотом? Вы дали высказаться жителем Украины. А я прошу Вас дать высказаться одной бабушке с Донбасса . Не удаляйте пожалуйста это видео от 2014-2015 г.г.:
Переводить свой комментарий не буду. Чем русский язык хуже любого другого? Кто захочет сам сможет перевести.
Anyway I support for Russia because many Ukraine guard are fighting with Indian guys who came to study in Ukraine. Many of our education Indians have been beaten by Ukraine guards. And Russia told us that we will save the Indian students from them. Russia is best friends country for ever
Let's be honest, this is political. It's just that most of us here are not the target audience (As can be seen by the Russian version). I still get it though, Russia is massively clamping down on the alternative media and misrepresenting the war using their own media machine. I don't fault Lichess for being the platform for people to see the other side's take, where stations like Echo of Moscow and Dozhd' used to fill that role.

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