
Who is GM Konevlad?

Its a cash prize event. @ruzgar9543 . I 100% stand by if you are winning money your identity should be known. If you really want privacy you shouldn't play. He can always stop using his account and switch it later. I think it is very unfair for all the viewers that really want to know who won.
Allowing this person to win without saying who he is will just further promote all later tournaments to be secretive. Really poor decision for lichess to allow him to stay anonymous after winning 1st.

If this was a shady site people would certainly be more suspicious of having an anon win a prize in cash.
If he carries the approved title GM that is all you need to know if you must choose whether to play against him(?) or not.
I see what Rishadan is saying. Part of the penalty of cheating is that people know you did it and it's in the public. there's more of a risk getting caught cheating when people know the name associated with the profile. If anyone can keep private and anonymous, there isn't much of a personal/career backlash against cheating in prized tournament.

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