
Lichess v2 is coming

Good job! Do a slow rollout to catch any major issues ahead of time.
Nice to hear you keep the minimalistic/lightweight style yay!
Keep it up!
It's very cool to me to be part of this transition after having had a blast playing on v1 these past few years :]

Cheers, and my many appreciations to all of the hard work from those working on lichess!
No, (not necessarily unwanted) your changes sound right on. You keep what's right, really what makes this unique and great. I can't think of another website like this, and it's too bad.

I guess you've become a first class web designer. Much love for your creation. (As I say in my profile, I always wanted to play chess but never could find appropriate opponents. [all too good for me] Now I play regularly with players that are right for me from all over the world. Fantastic!)
Dear Lichess

For many people dies a whole chessworld, friendships, daily meetings, the hope to have something beside of the commercial market that always only orientate on the richest customers.
If you don't let also run the old version - you kill many of the poorest users.
We really can't afford to buy a new computer!

Do you know how many % of all users would have to buy a new computer now!
I can tell only from 1 - me - but already that one story is a catastrophe!
I have to buy a new one in my company and a new laptop at home - that's impossible.

I meet so many friends every day on Lichess - I also tell non-chessplayers about Lichess as a example that the good-non-profit has a chance in this rich-men-world.

But to force everyone to get the latest version is for many people impossible and a absolute catastrophe!
It means that you leave the poorer part of all users just behind.
I'm seriously shocked about that decision!

I am a big fan of Lichess - it fairness - the way you keep it fair and most possible clean from cheaters - the support of the people - the vibe - everything was perfect !
I just wanted to become a lifetime-Patron to support Lichess as good I could afford.

Please don't kick us out of this perfect world! :'(

Whit endless hope, Dimitri Stathis
"Thank you for reading, and may your pieces always find their mate. " - including my king?
What makes you think you need to buy a new computer, @KingThisPawn ?

Please be specific. Maybe we can help find another solution.
Hi thibault

hope I was just panic and miss understood it at all in the shock of loosing the great Lichess.

I rund OS X 10.8.5 and can't update on any new version

I'm sorry - I don't understand much of the Computer-World

But I understand about how important it is to have that hope giving non-commercial world like Lichess is for any one!

Thanks for that!
and thanks for your personal support - feel a bit ashamed now...

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