
Lichess 코치들

FM Daniel1999 Lichess coach picture

FM Daniel Kozusek

⚠️ Achieve peak performance with a Sport Psychology-Qualified Chess Coach! 📈

지역 United Kingdom
언어English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 236524252501
시간당 비용£45/hour
최근 로그인:
CM blitzchessclub Lichess coach picture

CM Vinod Kumar Sharma

Candidate Master with experience of 21 year in teaching & 28 year experience of playing many National and International (Learn the path towards SUCCESS)

지역Online India
언어हिन्दी, हिंदी, English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 222622222347
시간당 비용 $30-50 per session & for training game with analysis $8 for (10 min+10sec each) or $10 (15+10) or $15 (25+10)
최근 로그인:
WIM Tslapana Lichess coach picture

WIM Ana Gavasheli

Do what you love!

지역Tbilisi Georgia
언어English (US), ქართული, русский язык
레이팅FIDE: 2226
시간당 비용From 20 € - E-mail:
최근 로그인:
IM chabo_ftw Lichess coach picture

IM Novak Cabarkapa

With dedication and persistence, improvement is inevitable!

지역 Serbia
언어English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 246428242719
시간당 비용Lessons - 55$/h (10h-500$); Training games - 33$/h (10h-300$)
최근 로그인:
IM Valandir Lichess coach picture

IM Gert Schnider

Ich bin FIDE-Trainer und österreichischer A-Trainer. Einige meiner Schüler haben internationale Titel erreicht und ein paar spielen in österreichischen Nationalteams.

지역Graz Austria
레이팅FIDE: 241623942457
시간당 비용45 € für 60 Minuten
최근 로그인:
WGM lexydim Lichess coach picture

WGM Aleksandra Dimitrijevic

Improve yourself!

지역Venezia Italy
언어русский язык, Српски језик, Hrvatski, English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 20802400
시간당 비용Negotiable
최근 로그인:
CM AdamCollins Lichess coach picture

CM Adam Collins

A focused and thoughtful approach to chess improvement

지역 Ireland
언어English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 21942750250324182182
시간당 비용€25 per hour, negotiable for block bookings
최근 로그인:
FM MaurizioBrancaleoni Lichess coach picture

FM Maurizio Brancaleoni

La passione e lo studio portano a grandi traguardi! (Passion and study lead to great goals!)

지역Riccione Italy
언어Italiano, English (US)
시간당 비용25 euros/1h , discount for very motivated students
최근 로그인:
FM ARuperez Lichess coach picture

FM Antonio Ruperez Benito

"Puedo aceptar fallar pero no puedo aceptar el no intentarlo" (Michael Jordan)

지역 Spain
레이팅FIDE: 236328982834
시간당 비용20euros/h
최근 로그인:
GM Khegay1997 Lichess coach picture

GM Dmitry Khegay

Есть опыт в тренерской деятельности. Готов работать на результат.

지역Krasnoyarsk Russia
언어русский язык
레이팅FIDE: 2528306926302283
시간당 비용3000р/ч
최근 로그인: