
I have some questions Lichess

I have some questions for you if you are seeing this just answer ok? do you get people to join your team?I have a team for like 7 months and the only people are joining are the people I chat with. do you NOT do increcement?Cause I tried to do a 3 second game and I GAVE like 20 more seconds
3.Can you change the way the rating is?I lose to like a 1800 or a 1500 or 1600 and I STILL lose points.
4.can you stop the "since you missed you last Swiss game you cannot enter a Swiss Tournament until Apr 28."
1. host tournaments or let it spread by word of mouth

2. when creating a game the first slider is time and the second on is increment slide the second on to the lef

3. lichess cant change how rating works you will always loose points for loosing unless there is a big enough rating gap but just play and have fun

4. Lichess does the swiss tournament thing because people leave early which ruins alot of swiss tournaments so just play all your swiss games in future