
Why the Opposition to Draws?


I wrote "Every comment you write, for me and for everyone else, is for one reason only. Being an annoying pest makes you happy."

What I wrote before, you know that's true. That's the only reason you write comments. You think this is fun. You're also a stalker. That's a mental illness.

You use words like "insane" and "idiotic". You definitely have a mental problem. You obviously have no life.
#91 I'm a stalker? How so? I'm only responding because I think your reasoning is ridiculous and you seem so sure of yourself. And how do words such as "insane" or "idiotic" mean that I "definitely" have a mental problem? It's also funny that you claim I have no life, even though I've only made a few posts in this thread, and you've made pretty much a third of all the comments. Whatever lets you sleep at night, man.
You proved my point. Stalker: a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention. Stalking is a mental illness.

"I've only made a few posts in this thread"

Every single one of those 7 posts were an attack against me. You are a stalker.
"Harasses?" "Persecutes?" Good to know that now it can be diagnosed off of responding to somebody on a chess forum a few times. Not only that, my original reply was something along the lines of agreeing with you that opponents offering draws on your time is annoying, and shouldn't be allowed, but it also shouldn't be grounds for blocking someone. If either of us has a mental illness, it's clearly you. Paranoia.

Because draws are boring.

Why play at all if you wants a draw. Players play for fun, excitement and not for the result.

But there is something in what you say because some positions aren't suitable for making progress and play for win, and doing so actually can lead to worse position. In such a case accepting a draw can be a good idea.

Some top GMs that are known for managing to win very drawish positions are GM Magnus Carlsen and GM Tony Miles.

Both of them are very skilled at endings, insist often to play on in very drawish positions and often managed to win them (eventually by bore the opponent out to make a mistake.)

Shove it tacticsaccount. You know you're a stalker. You picked the wrong victim mister. I have zero tolerance for stalkers like you.

You wrote 8 posts on this thread and all 8 comments were an attack against me. You are a stalker. You know it. I know it. And now everyone else knows it.

It's a mental illness. There is something very wrong with you.

One more time to help you understand: Shove it Mr. Stalker.
"a few times"

As if 8 posts, every comment you wrote, is a few times. You can't hide it mister. You are a stalker.

How many more times are you going to make a fool out of yourself. With every attack against me you are just providing more evidence for your mental illness.

Get a life and leave me alone you coward who hides behind the internet to attack people.
If anything, you seem obsessed. Going back through to count the amount of posts I've made? I'm only responding because you are. You should probably get help, though, you do follow typical traits of paranoia. Wish you only the best of luck, man. Oh, and "zero tolerance" for "stalkers like me" (lol) would not be responding. 8 posts isn't obsessive, I made ~2 posts responding to the theme of the thread, 1-2 posts calling you out and I've been responding since. Get help, man.
What part of "Shove it Mr. Stalker" don't you understand?

"I'm only responding because you are"
You started it mister. You attacked me and you know it.

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