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22 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - The Axiom System - Part 4: Justification in Chess#19

In my opinion principles are a type of patterns. Most of the patterns that we call principles can be put in the form Pi: [(certain characteristics of the position) and (certain characteristics of the …

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#138

good riddance for the saint louis chess club. their commentary team is much better these days. hoping for many more years of world class events with amazing coverage!

Community Blog Discussions - Why I Always Try To Be A Beginner#14

Great article and an important topic, only thing missing is some advice on how to achieve and maintain this superior state of mind!

Community Blog Discussions - Revisiting AlphaZero's out of this world chess to reveal "Installation Theory"#6

i like this new conceptual way of thinking about chess, very interesting!

Lichess Feedback - Game against cheaters#28

i think that's why refunds are useful (other than justice being served to the cheated players), but other forces that cause an overall inflation of the rating pool might blur the issue somewhat

Lichess Feedback - Game against cheaters#27

everyone is saying that x games after playing a cheater you should already have your original rating back so you shouldn't get a refund. but that's not true! in expected value your rating will never g…

Lichess Feedback - Game against cheaters#15

I think that's true and the only good reason i've heard not to do a full-scale rating refund

Lichess Feedback - Game against cheaters#13

th2j is right, it doesn't make any sense that points don't get fully refunded. when someone plays a cheater, their rating goes below their actual skill level - so next time they play against an honest…

General Chess Discussion - Comparison of FOA Elo and FIDE Elo#3

I don't know about foa ratings, but 2000 lichess blitz is pretty consistently around 1600-1700 fide.

Lichess Feedback - BUG: Playing a game before tournament starts#10

this happens if you have two tabs open, one with your ongoing game and another one with the tournament. then it pairs you in the tournament even if you have another game going. whether this is a bug o…
