
Search "user:rajg74"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Announcing the Personal Opening Explorer#22

Awesome!!! Lichess rocks! Osho

Lichess Feedback - Feature request - Computer analysis: show good/great moves#5

Also, positive reinforcement works the best for learning - especially for kids. Knowing they did something well would motivate the kids to do the computer analysis more. I am trying to encourage my so…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request - Computer analysis: show good/great moves#4

I don't think it is about ego boosting. It is about learning. has a "Game Report" feature that does this. It calls it "The best reply to your opponent's mistake". And, it is very educational…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: make the board 'full screen' in Zen mode?#1

Hi, Is it possible to make the chess board take as much area on the screen as possible when one enters the zen mode (either in games or puzzles). Currently, there is pretty thick black border all arou…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request - Computer analysis: show good/great moves#1

Hi, Here is a feature request for computer analysis to make it less depressing. It makes one go through their mistakes and blunders - which is great. I use it all the time. But, it will be also useful…

Lichess Feedback - Keyboard shortcut for local evaluation's top-most suggested move#3

Thanks.. space bar works great!

Lichess Feedback - Keyboard shortcut for local evaluation's top-most suggested move#1

This is a request to add a keyboard shortcut to make the move suggested by local evaluation's lines. For example, 1 will make the first suggested move. 2 will make the second suggested move. Or, alter…
