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Off-Topic Discussion - "First & Last" - Classic Rock/Soul Song Lyrics#14

@MrPushwood said in #11: > 10) Heatwave - Martha Reeves & the Vandellas (Linda Ronstadt?!--eek!) :D Lol, guess I was born late. The Linda Ronstadt version came to my mind, but now that you mention thi…

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Off-Topic Discussion - "First & Last" - Classic Rock/Soul Song Lyrics#10

@Frogster64 said in #6: > #3: The Cars. Isn't that the name of the song: "I like the nightlife, baby"? @Frogster64, yeah, it's the Cars! The title is actually "Let's Go", though "I like the night life…

Off-Topic Discussion - The "First & Last" Game#25

Very good, @StephenPS -- this type of puzzle-quiz is hard, even if you've read the books!

Off-Topic Discussion - FOC Points Count- May 7th to June 15th 2024#3

Fuzzy Orange Capybaras?

Off-Topic Discussion - The "First & Last" Game#21

@Frogster64 said in #20: > #4 War of the Worlds, maybe? That was my guess, too, @Frogster64.

Off-Topic Discussion - The "First & Last" Game#19

This is tough. Is #2 "The Martian Chronicles"? I have a guess for #4 and am embarrassed about my overall sci-fi ignorance. Maybe someone else will be able to contribute and cover for the rest of us.

Off-Topic Discussion - The "First & Last" Game#15

Here are the answers. Thanks for being a good sport and giving it a shot, @Frogster64! 1. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 2. Winnie-the-Pooh 3. The Secret Garden 4. Pride and Prejudice 5. Animal …

Off-Topic Discussion - The "First & Last" Game#13

Yesss, you got The Hobbit correct, @Frogster64! That's good that you know #1, 2 and 11. Let's see if others will be able to get any. How about if I reveal two more words for #4 so that maybe you won't…
