
Search "user:playsforfun23"

38 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why are you guys playing chess?#9

I had no hobby for a while so I thought to give chess a try since I tried it before when I was a kid. I got into it then chess turned into an obsession for a bit before the burning flame turned into a…

General Chess Discussion - Congratulations german11 on 600k games!#21

@ggbers Yeah, he's an old man. I really hope nothing happened.

General Chess Discussion - what is your playing style#18

I would like to say that I have a technical style of play like Karpov but I do not or at least, I have a horrible replication of his preferred style of play. My openings are not as solid as that of Ka…

General Chess Discussion - The user with the longest amount of time played on Lichess, or the user with the most games?#18

@Molurus said in #13: > Wow, that's even pretty close to A6648 on ICC. Considering german11's rate of play, he'll surpass A6648 in quantity of games played in the next few years. Although A6648 is mor…

General Chess Discussion - Be candid about your chess books.#36

Right now, I have been trying to complete My 60 Memorable Games by Bobby Fischer. I thought chess books were going to be an okay read until I actually read a chess book and then my whole perspective o…

Game analysis - (Reposting into correct forum section) A complicated game#4

I don't even want to talk about it LMAO

General Chess Discussion - Complicated game but instructive lesson on perseverance in chess!#5

@MrPushwood Thank you for the advice. I thought I was overexplaining but I didn't thoroughly edit the annotations either. I worked enough to annotate it but was too lazy to look and edit haha.

General Chess Discussion - Complicated game but instructive lesson on perseverance in chess!#4

@Sybotes Oh my god, I'm facepalming at myself but I was tired...

General Chess Discussion - I'd love to improve at ultra sheerly because it's fun. Any tips?#8

1. Have a mouse that's speedy 2. Git gud (no seriously, actually get good, you'll see everything faster) 3. Practice. 4. Practice. 5. Practice. Can you guess what 6 is? 6. Tilt. Exactly.

Game analysis - Instructive endgame win through zugzwang!#3

@MrPushwood Haha! Nope, I genuinely am but I used nice win as more of clickbait and honestly, I think there is still stuff I was missing in my analysis.
