
Search "user:etium"

39 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess Endgame Training webapp updated#7

@supertorpe Hey love your site and also have been using it for a while! However it just started not working on Desktop Chrome, I just get a spinning rook logo and the site never loads. Disabling adblo…

Lichess Feedback - "Practice with Computer" playing awful moves in some positions#1 In this position, the practice computer insists on playing Rg5, which gets mated in 2, when there are many better move…

Lichess Feedback - When will Lichess allow to filter out color-chosen games??#1

I think it's kinda silly that someone can create a match and always choose themselves to be white. Is there a way to filter these matches out, and if not can that please be added? Thanks

Lichess Feedback - Game adjudicated incorrectly (dead position)#29

I think it would be fairly straightforward to create specialized 3- and 4-man tablebases that indicate whether there is any possible checkmating sequence. Then it would be a very quick lookup for the …

Lichess Feedback - Request: Filter out "color-selected" games in the lobby.#1

When selecting games from the lobby, sometimes I fail to notice that the player has pre-selected black or white. I would prefer to play only random color seeks. IMO color selection should be disabled …

Lichess Feedback - Create game buttons not working in Firefox#1

On the front page, the "Create a game", "Play with a friend", and "Play with the machine" buttons are not working. When I click them, the page refreshes and no dialog is shown. Clicking "Custom" under…

Lichess Feedback - I'm slightly disappointed#2

This is a completely free site, no need to be rude

Lichess Feedback - Tournament Game Aborted?#6

You were marked as a cheater. If you didn't cheat and want to appeal the ban, see answer #7 here:

Lichess Feedback - Players' rating changed on a casual game#1

I just noticed on the following game, the players gained/lost rating points even though it says it's a casual game. Bug?

Lichess Feedback - Leela Zero as a computer opponent#20

@MateoReq Leela only trains by playing against itself, not humans. So there would be no use in sending the games to
