
Search "user:dnowmects"

299 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Best Way for Three Friends to Play Each Other#13

So here's what you do; two players play a normal game, but every, say, third move, the third player gets to make one move for one of the players, alternating between them, and the third player's goal …

Game analysis - How to efficiently attack castled king in here?#3

Sacrifices always take precise calculation. General rules will be weak. Pure math; how many attackers do you have, how many defenders do they have. Here they're able to get more defenders than you'll …

Game analysis - pls help me understand this puzzle i have smol brain#9

@MrPushwood said in #8: > Probably 1... Kg7 2 Rh7+ Kxg6 3 Qh3... But after that it gets harder, because 3. ...Rh8 is available so everything's got to be forcing from now on, and that f5 knight's still…

Game analysis - pls help me understand this puzzle i have smol brain#7

Whereas I thought hxg6 was the natural move to make; it eliminates the last king pawn, it removes a defender of Black's knight, and it opens up the h file for the rook (and queen). Not sure what happe…

Game analysis - What am I missing about this game?#5

4. I hate f6. f pawn moves badly weaken your king position, you have to really know what you're doing with those. Do you know WHY Nh6 is a bad move by rule of thumb? It's because it limits your option…

General Chess Discussion - How do I not lose horribly vs a GM?#6

@ReallyLowELO said in #4: > I know I will lose, I just don’t want to embarrass myself and want to drag out the game at least a little I guess you have the option of doing what the grandmasters do, and…

General Chess Discussion - How do I not lose horribly vs a GM?#2

>Also, I don’t want to lose in 2 minutes. Any advice? Drag out your moves. You can totally stall for three minutes. Seriously, if you have to ask how to beat a GM, you're not going to beat a GM. You'r…

Game analysis - How is this position not insufficient material?#2

You know, I've never seen a thread about the insufficient material system where the poster's opponent is the one who ran out of time. How odd.

Game analysis - [Puzzle] After Qxg7+, how do I know where my king should be going? Is there a general rule?#5

Generally the king wants to hide. I intuitively play Kc6 here because it lets me duck behind the c5 rook to b5 and break queen checks as fast as possible.

General Chess Discussion - Why do GMs have multiple accounts?#16

Maybe they just keep forgetting their account passwords. GMs have famously poor memories, you know.
