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82 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess Puzzle #wtEqE has multiple solutions but not accepted#1

Hello, I was recently doing some tactics and I encountered this puzzle ( The only accepted solution is 33... Kxf8 34. Kf3 h5 However, while h5 may be the most direc…

Lichess Feedback - Code d'authentification#3

@Truc2 Vous pouvez trouver le code d'authentification dans votre e-mail.

General Chess Discussion - Class Tournament#3

@TimMiguez you could create tournaments that are only restricted to one lichess group(which all of your students could join), then you could also set a password. You can share the password with the st…

General Chess Discussion - Scandinavian "Defence" and...#16

Against d4, you might want to try the KID or Grunfeld. Against e4 you might want to try a modern system. Against 1.c4 you might want to try e5 Hope this helps!

Lichess Feedback - Text left of analysis board is neat#7

@vedanta_b_7 even having titled players comment on them is unreliable, a titled player could give incorrect info, or mess up the other insigthful comments by other people

Game analysis - Down 16 points of material and.....MATE!!!#4

If only your opponent had promoted to a knight....

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Game analysis - What would you play as white here#11

1) Qb7 Rc1 2) Qb8 Kg7 3)Qb2 Rc3 4)Qxb1

General Chess Discussion - Anti-chess as a cure for blunders#6

I don't think playing antichess really improves your tactical vision. The style of play in antichess is just so much different from regular chess. To get better at tactics, doing thematic puzzles can …

Lichess Feedback - Feature request- Special privileges for team creator#10

noice idea, it should be added
