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135 forum posts
Game analysis - Why people play sicilian dragon defense?#6

I didnt know about the inmediate Bh6 in the dragon. Also I have to point out that this is more of a DragonDorf, not a Dragon. Anyways e6 by your opponent was a losing move. Not that I love the Dragon,…

General Chess Discussion - Mate in 9 puzzle#4

The computer does not see mate after Kh8. Anywyas it is hard to solve the puzzle in study move as you have to also guess the defense. Maybe just showing the game and the critical moment would be bette…

General Chess Discussion - d4 d5 c4 Nf6 is bad#24

I could prove it playing some game against you. Simply basing on Lichess games it is good out of 4 games with dcx6 white has only won one and drew 3. Pretty good result for black, specially when talki…

General Chess Discussion - were are the studies people made ?#3

I have some studies. Not that Im spamming. I have one about Fischer which will get expanded soon (my parents are about to burn all my chess stuf because I havent been studying for highschool exams) an…

General Chess Discussion - d4 d5 c4 Nf6 is bad#21

The compensation is there. Roman agress, MeWantCookie agrees, the Marshall may not be the best, but dxc6 is worse than Nf3.

Game analysis - Blindfold checkmate#23

Probably it will help at calculating variants, meaning that you will see 20 moves deep lol. When I was a tactical maniac I could remember I could calculate 10 (hope it isnt the avergae lol)moves deep …

General Chess Discussion - d4 d5 c4 Nf6 is bad#15

@ClackYourBones dxc6 looks like a greedy pawn grab that any master would decline. If it wasnt then the mainline would be dxc6 but it is actually Nf3 (Nc3 is also good) After dxc6 Nxc6 black already ha…

Game analysis - Blindfold checkmate#21

Guys, stop, it will fry your brain, there is a reason why Kasparov fears blindfold chess!!!

Game analysis - Surprising : gambit#9

You were going to be just a pawn down if your opponent wasnt scared of endgames. Seems he wanted to mate you, but he missed simple tactics, NOT exchange sacrifices lol.

Lichess Feedback - analysis page lagging#3

Dont worry about your problem. Sometimes my Lichess wont load for a day saying the connection timed out.
