
Search "user:KingMeTaco666"

51 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Rematch Button please just remove it.#36

I doubt its because of your username, but hey, i dont know what it means. a best of 3 or 5 option would be dope actually. i want swiss tournys also. IVe never cared for a rematch because i dont get th…

General Chess Discussion - Waht is considere classical?#2

General Chess Discussion - Tortoise icon for classical games. Rude.#21

Who cares about the icon? I'm just stoked they put rapid and classic in 2 different categories finally !

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Titled Arena!#4

Do you know if their going to allow LM's?

General Chess Discussion - Fried liver/two knights defence theory#7

After I posted I realized i left out the mainline... So what you want to happen in the fried liver attack as white is 4.Ng5 d4 5.exd4 Nxd5 6.Nxf7 Kxf7 7.Qf3+ witch really forces black King to the cent…

General Chess Discussion - Fried liver/two knights defence theory#6

Yeah.. just saying fried liver is more than enough... but just to clarify the fried liver attack is 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 After white plays Ng5 black has at least a few interesting moves (…

Off-Topic Discussion - Wanted (forum game)#29

The_Rival000 Wanted for premature Halloween posting.

Off-Topic Discussion - Whats your background?#7

I bet it give the whole site a nice classic feel.

General Chess Discussion - Correspondence Teams#4

KingMeTaco666 CORRESPONDENCE STATS GLICKO2 RATING: 1682.24. (provisional 6games) Member since 07-Jul-2015 I dont play much correspondence here because theres no events but of course id be interested a…

General Chess Discussion - Imrpoving#4

Just keep at it, and remember, you usually have to have a good positional set up before tactics start coming.
