
Search "user:scotty770"

20 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Changing arrows Default colour#4

Sorry, as far as I am aware, there is no way to do this.

General Chess Discussion - Changing arrows Default colour#2

red is hold down ctrl on your keyboard and draw arrow blue is hold down alt yellow is hold down both I don't think you can change the default?

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Lichess Feedback - permanently disable chat?#12

Lichess Feedback - rating point not awarded#3

In short, if your opponent times out, but you have insufficient material to win, the game is a draw, and so, no pints for you. Nothing to do with Lichess. That's just the rules. :/

Lichess Feedback - Players caught using computer assistance still appear in worst rated defeats.#1

Just think that if a player has an unfair advantage that they should be removed from this list.

Lichess Feedback - Any game longer than 300 moves adjudicated as a draw?#33

as a response to your comment for @Veslefrikkmfela: Lichess has the 300 move rule there as a generalization. No game naturally lasts to 300 moves and the rule is there to stop trolling and to call the…

Lichess Feedback - Any game longer than 300 moves adjudicated as a draw?#30

'G.3. This Appendix shall only apply to standard play and rapidplay games without increment and not to blitz games. ' not according to G.3. The game had an increment and G.2 says It must be stated tha…

Lichess Feedback - Any game longer than 300 moves adjudicated as a draw?#25

If you have a knight and bishop and you do not mate within 300 moves that SHOULD be considered a stalemate
