
Search "user:ju-key"

29 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Where can I see games I bookmaked?#2

Click on your nickname in the top right corner. Your profile is shown. Scroll down and select the tab that offers to show all your games. There you can select bookmarked games on the right top.

Lichess Feedback - Learn from your mistakes in Studies#1

Hi, I am collecting games worth to be analyzed later as chapters in a personal Study. Once the remote analysis is done for one of these games I would like to use the ‚learn from your mistakes features…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Manual Flagging for Correspondence games only#2

I like the idea of manual flagging games to be the winner where the opponent is over time. This would be similar to the dialog that appears in non-remote games when an opponent vanishes: “Request win …
