
Search "user:TeamGunsBR"

40 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Do chess openings really 'don't matter' for the win?#2

Bruh, unless one of the players is really bad or there is a massive level gap, openings matter VERY MUCH. Play an opening with traps against an opponent with no knowledge of the opening, you'll have a…

Off-Topic Discussion - If you got a chance to go to the past, what time will you go?#8

I'd just study the change in values of financial assets, make sure I know them well, go back in time a couple months, take extremely leveraged positions and make millions (perhaps even billions would …

General Chess Discussion - Candidates Day 14: Nakamura and Ding battle for... possibly nothing?#50

This did not age well

General Chess Discussion - Playing a million games#4

@Martintin20 said in #3: > @german11 Oh well looking at him, it's definetly possible to play 1M games hahaha. He'll get there in 10 years if he continues at this speed. It is however a bit insane that…

General Chess Discussion - Why is Lichess doing nothing about Sandbagging?#15

If we assume a 1 hour long blitz tournament, you may play some 7-8 games if you're quick, if you have hundreds of players, some are definetly going to do perfect or near perfect scores, sandbagging or…

General Chess Discussion - Chess piece removal#11

The queens. When I do a queen trade, out of 2 500 games I have: 51% wins, 8% draws and 41% defeats When I don't do a queen trade, out of 4 631 games, I have 46% wins, 4% draws and 50% defeats I'm obje…

General Chess Discussion - Senseless Lichess Rules#5

@Coffee_Junky_Deluxe said in #1: > Dear Lichess, > > if I assume that somebody is cheating (and your platform is full of cheaters), I not only use the report button (its useless because you dont react…

General Chess Discussion - Guess the ELO of this game!#12

The game isn't clean at all, lots of blunders. I'd say a 1400~1500s game, but I guess it could be a 1800s game where the players are having a pretty bad day lol

General Chess Discussion - Sicilian players hate it : CRUSH the Sicilian with this simple trick#23

@tijilsingh said in #14: > That's the exact reason why I switched to 1.d4 from 1.e4 It's like Ben S Chess said: "Playing against the Sicilian is like taking a test you haven't studied for hundreds of …

General Chess Discussion - Sicilian players hate it : CRUSH the Sicilian with this simple trick#1

1. d4
