
Ask Lichess Anything

We'll be doing another "Ask me Anything" live stream on YouTube and Twitch roughly 20 hours after this post. Please leave any questions you have about Lichess in this thread and we'll try to answer as many as we can.
Why aren't there increments for Rapid tournaments?
Could there be a by game rating chart aswell to track what times we play better at and an all time leaderboard to show the best players ever in each mode?
Great idea to have this btw :)
Why don't you post caught cheaters information? We need numbers. How many cheaters you catch a month?
Let's go hunting and post it all.
@Lichess said in #1:
> We'll be doing another "Ask me Anything" live stream on YouTube and Twitch roughly 20 hours after this post. Please leave any questions you have about Lichess in this thread and we'll try to answer as many as we can.
How many hours in total have been played in every single chess game recorded on the site?
EDIT: More concise: How many hours of chess have been played on the site in total?
When are you going to do something to deal with the afk/non-moving player problem in swiss tournaments? There have been multiple threads recently with many suggestions that would improve the user experience greatly.
I previously outlined a method to catch cheaters. As the Lichess Swiss team has continued to expand, this method would be even more effective at catching cheaters. Can someone on the lichess team look at this?
Tl;dr: Analyzing Lichess Swiss Classical tournaments is a good way to catch many cheaters.
Do you purposely censor criticism in forums to hide flaws with your website?

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