
Solution to stallers.

I'm sorry about the fact that people waste time. Honestly, this is why I don't play longer time controls.

I get upset enough when people waste 40 seconds after I've gotten them in a bad position. I would go crazy having to wait another 5 - 10 minutes.
stockfish's evaluations are oftentimes PURE JUNK over the board too! in using this site to generate my own theory, i've seen many lines where stockfish's suggestion has the worst stats and that lines that are down 2 points or more sometimes actually have win rates up to 60:40 with players under 2000, so stockfish is a lousy predictor of over the board results.

this topic reminds me of a patzer i played once who won a bishop, kept demanding i resign (funny, i just STALEMATED 2 queens and a bishop with my bare naked king last week by refusing to resign), logged out and got an adjudicated win.

stats go up and down in games. mine in particular probably lean towards comebacks a whole lot. i'll be in deep positional trouble until that golden tactic where i stage a comeback. (VERY satisfying against higher rated players)

i consider resigning a courtesy. any opponent has to be prepared to earn their wins in my world. when it comes down to throwing cannon fodder at a queen until mate, i'll play it out when i'm in a feisty mood. the win isn't official until #

As far as I'm concerned no one needs to resign any game, so long as the person isn't stalling. And well even stalling I don't care much about, when I decide to play a game for X minutes, if my opponent stalls I just go watch a youtube video or something waiting for the clock to run down, no biggie.

Tbh playing against non-resigners/stallers used to annoy me a lot before, same with people trying to flag me. But I changed my opinion on those subjects, anyone has to be able to prove to be able to checkmate you in an endgame, and you have to set aside time to prevent flagging
If someone tries to stall me in a longer timemode I open a new tab in my browser and read the news or watch a video. Lichess will notify me if he changes his mind and moves.

The thought that he is so pissed off about his losing position that he tries to annoy his opponent is somehow satisfying.
@Katzenschinken said in #24:
> Lichess will notify me if he changes his mind and moves.

What's that?
Lichess will notify you?
Never heard that before...
You guys are not a hundred percent.....
Your basically giving away details about yourself.
How will Lichess notify you?
I'm curious.....
> How will Lichess notify you?
I'm curious.....

by the sound when a move happens ;)

@TeamGunsBR I would always try to flag you when there's no increment and a realistic chance
Happening to me right now. 30 minute game. I got to a winning endgame. He offered a draw and I declined. Now he let his clock run down for 10 minutes.

It's just online games. I don't see why people would get so annoyed.

Given Lichess has tools to detect cheaters and lots of other things. Surely a pattern of letting the clock run down when in lost positions would be an easy addition.

One of my rare wins without a blunder it seems :-)

Wait until you're tied at the end of a tournament and the guy offers you a draw and when you decline he lets the clock run out just to spite you.

@TeamGunsBR said in #23:
> @Gik-Tally
> As far as I'm concerned no one needs to resign any game, so long as the person isn't stalling. And well even stalling I don't care much about, when I decide to play a game for X minutes, if my opponent stalls I just go watch a youtube video or something waiting for the clock to run down, no biggie.
> Tbh playing against non-resigners/stallers used to annoy me a lot before, same with people trying to flag me. But I changed my opinion on those subjects, anyone has to be able to prove to be able to checkmate you in an endgame, and you have to set aside time to prevent flagging
that reminds me of the day I played a game of "chess to the death"

I was playing at a club that met at the YMCA. i was a 1400 and no one wanted to play me, so i made a comment at the opening meeting. a snobby player said he didn't want to be bothered, then offered to play me, but only on the clock, which i'd never done. i beat him in less than 15 moves playing queen's gambit for some reason even though i never did before. i traded bishops on his open queenside and then when i followed up with a queen's check, he tried to block with ...c5. i scratched my head a second, looking for traps, then did an en passant re-checking and forcing a queen trade after which, i pushed on b to capture his rook trapped behind his knight and finished him off.

the next game we played, jerk made a move when i wasn't looking and claimed a clock win! oh i was mad! i considered it cheating and he got all snotty about how it's my responsibility to watch the clock to see when a move's played.

we get to a tie breaker game and the fire alarm goes off. eventually firemen are on our floor and clearing the building. dude starts telling me to resign because he had advantage. i'm not hearing it after that crap. "you want to win THIS game, you're gonna have to EARN IT mother####er!"

turns out, unlike ME, he wasn't an anti-phobic and eventually resigned. i wasn't going to leave until someone dragged me out.

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