
This is a draw 100%

Yes I am very sure that is what would happen in the real game ;)
@Cryton -- It has nothing to do with what *would* happen, only with what *is possible* to happen.
Again no that isn't even remotely possible and I know what you mean but it's just crazy :)
You confuse "possible" with "probable".

Is winning the top lottery prize possible? Is losing with quad Aces in poker possible?
... and yet, both happened (more than once)...

If something is possible, it could happen.
If something is probable, it is likely to happen.

p.s. Of course it's crazy in a real game, but the FIDE rules are such that they take this "craziness" into account. And so does Lichess.
<Comment deleted by user>
We need to draw the line somewhere. If you timeout in a position the computer says is a drawn position or a winning position, you still lose, and this is fine because that's just how the clock works. The only time it is a draw is if there is insufficent material to mate. As a mate is __Possible__ in your situation, you must lose if you timeout, even if the computer evaluates the position as a draw.
Lets just all agree on mating someone with a bishop is only possible if you help the other guy along :) I can accept all other positions but one bishop and I agree that a winning position in itself should loose if time runs out.
@Cryton -- Man, it's not a question what you "accept" or "agree with" or not... It's what rules Lichess follows. And those aren't your rules or mine, they are the FIDE rules. Period. The rest is commentary.

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