
How Is this possible? 0 seconds for 7 moves

How Is this possible?

0 seconds for 7 moves
Premove. It's the sort of opening where that can be done safely.
I was looking for hyper bullet games but lichess paired me with blitz, i didn't even realise couple of times but when i have checked, i found lichess is pairing me blitz players only, but when i abort games i have been timed out by lichess for 10 minutes. This is so bad . Lichess its your fault...
@Brian-E said in #2:
> Premove. It's the sort of opening where that can be done safely.

0 seconds for 7 moves, without knowing my moves,

that guy is so strong.
@OgreMan said in #4:
> 0 seconds for 7 moves, without knowing my moves,
> that guy is so strong.

Play 3...e4 next time then. :D
@seamate said in #3:
> I was looking for hyper bullet games but lichess paired me with blitz, i didn't even realise couple of times but when i have checked, i found lichess is pairing me blitz players only, but when i abort games i have been timed out by lichess for 10 minutes. This is so bad . Lichess its your fault...

0 seconds for 7 moves, without knowing my moves,

@OgreMan said in #6:
> 0 seconds for 7 moves, without knowing my moves,
> amazing

if I remember correctly, I managed to win a bullet game in around ten moves using 2 seconds for the whole game. you just have to know your device well (phone for me, and it's special because I work on speed and weight of my fingers), no need to know your opponent's moves, there are openings safe enough to play the first 7-8 moves in premoves
@seamate said in #3:
> I was looking for hyper bullet games but lichess paired me with blitz, i didn't even realise couple of times but when i have checked, i found lichess is pairing me blitz players only, but when i abort games i have been timed out by lichess for 10 minutes. This is so bad . Lichess its your fault...

If you abort to much you get play banned for x time lichess does warn you before they do it.

Now for the wrong time how do you start your games click on the game in the lobby or when you create a game with x time but get y time?
I played more than a lac games at lichess, i know which time control I want to play , this thing happened with me first time, that while playing a hyper game , after game end and I'm looking for new hyper game but lichess giving me new blitz game instead of hyper , and I don't even realise for few moves. You can check my games , i was playing hyper why should i go for blitz and again hyper and again blitz...

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