
Crazy OTB Stories!

#7 "Ryba" means draw when Russians play dominoes, I am surprised your opponent didn't understand the meaning.
I'am sure he was latvian not russian, and his russian knowledge was far from perfect as well.
#2, 3#, and the Ryba story are my favorite so far.. Everyone's story was interesting to read however. I hope more people come and share but if not it's cool.
Once I wet my pants during a chess game. That's all.
Now I have 2 stories but none of them is actually crazy
The first one did not happen to me, but I have heard other chessplayers discussing it so there is a chance that is true :)
2 GMs are playing with the old time control and both of them are in time pressure so they have stopped writing moves, when suddenly they begin to argue in a very high volume. One GM claims that his opponent has touched his pawn and he is obliged to take it, and the other passionately denies this statement. The fun fact was that there was only one move that was winning in that position: That very capture of this pawn and almost everything else was losing on the spot. So, actually the one player tried to force his opponent to play the only winning move and the other would not admit to play it! Sadly I don't know how this story ends
The second one is a mind game played to me by a low rated opponent ,around 1800. Its the first round of a somewhat strong open and I have a completely won position against this guy, two bishops,more active pieces ,no counterplay etc, when at one point after he plays his move he begins "packing". He takes off his glasses, wears his jacket, writes 0-1 in the scoresheet(I was black) as if "cmon just play the final move, I know its over". And the truth is that I have an elementary double attack which seemingly wins material on the spot, but then he has a diabolical sequence at his disposal starting with a piece sacrifice and getting tremendous initiative.Now I am not 100% sure that he was baiting me but I think it was the most likely.After I finally played another move he took off his jacket, put glasses again, only to do the same procedure 3 moves later when he finally resigned.
I want to know the end of the story NOW ! Add something fictional.
In a national team blitz championship my opponent was so drunk that he threw up on the floor during the game.
To MorningCoffee...I remember reading the story you refer to. It was called "Touch Move" The way it went was that the player who had the move ,needed to make a simple pawn move and the game was his hand hovered over the pawn, as if to move it...his opponent shouted out" he touched it "and therefor must move it...The player denied touching the pawn, and the referee decided in his favor and the player triumphantly moved another piece and lost the game...I think the chess writer Fred Winn wrote the story Its funny lol:]
@ #1
"I've heard of kids kicking other kids otb"
Shouldn't that be utb?

Once in a tournament I played a 5 minute otb blitz game against a very strong player who happened to be missing both arms.
He had little rings attached to his pieces so he could move them with his mouth. He pushed the clock forcefully with his forehead (not an electronic one but an old one with a pin sticking out). Needless to say that he had quite a large red spot on his forehead.
Whenever he took one of my pieces he kindly requested me to remove my own piece so he could place his on the vacated square...

I flagged him in a losing position.

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