
In Latin America anyone is WFM?

girls are no good at chess and preety much all possible competetive activities.

Really? that sounds super sexist to me... i do a lot of competitive sports and i know girls that are at least equel to me in almost all of them, and that isnt cuz i suck at them either and really i think part of that is girls mature mentally faster than men. and that about being unable to make decisions or analyze is trash, i know many girls that are very quick thinking and decisive not sure i could say the same for guys tho... :/
@jonesmh, allright let's understand each other.

1. "However, since in our games, you should be 0-5" what do you mean by that?

2. You understand that I am not stating all female players are worse than all male players? I am just saying that on average male players are better at this subject called chess and being "hard-working" has nothing to do with that. It's because of our brain structure making females not as good in some chess aspects as men.

3. Patience and accuracy are definately not the 2 main aspects in chess. As I said: decision making and logical thinking are. Maybe you not understanding this leads to you being not that good of a player for someone old enough and experienced in chess enough to say "In my youth".

4. I am admitting there are disciplines where women have better capabilities then men. Though it's not chess. So, I do not consider women the inferior gender.

5. Seems like statistics support me as much as it is possible.

6. Please do not use arguments related to evolution if you have no idea how evolution works.

7. Also you are very inpolite (inderectly offensive suggestion), racist (Iran may have problems, but calling it backward is disgusting) and have no idea how debates based on statistics and scientific arguments work.


Sorry if that offended you, but it was just an example to jonesmh to prove that chess is not neceserally all about work you put in, but also about talent. Also, I am certain there are many males with positive record against you, so if this was a debate your argument would be worthless.


Again, please try to read and understand what I am saying. I was taking the average. And if you want to prove that on average women are better at competetive activities (which mostly (note mostly) are sports) I think you might want to either do some google research or go visit a doctor.
You are calling @jonesmh impolite, but this is what I read from you:

"Women suck at things like chess which require analytical thinking and decision making."

"Not being a sexist or anything, but let's face a fact: we have both theoretical and practical proves that men are better strategist."

-(Actually that IS sexist)

"- girls are no good at chess and preety much all possible competetive activities."

Stop trying to stick women in a box. That's called stereotyping.
Of course there are many males with a positive score against me, do you know why? because they're higher rated than me, and better than me, and not because they're males.

And that's not my argument, it was you that said that women are not good at chess after you mentioned that you had a positive score against one. What I said was the opposite, I said that I don't say that I am better than guys just because I am better than a few of them.
@KraftyDinner all those quotes is one and the same thing, so do not make it look like I am saying 15 different things i do not like.

Also this conclusion is based on statistics and experiments. So it makes sense and IS NOT sexist.

Also, I consider impolite, something what is non-constructive criticism. My criticism is constructice.

Mind you giving other explanation why there are no women in top 50 rated chess players list?


Please do not get me wrong. Only thing I am saying is that at this particular subject women are inferior to men. As men are inferior to women in some other subjects. PLEASE! Stop trying to make it look like there is no difference between male and female.
btw, I like how people argue about stupid things like this which does not change anything, but do not answer to threads looking for advices about chess improvement and simmilar things.

Even more I like, people refusing to google for statistics.
I'm not even bothering reading most of these post... i believe most people are judgemental ect... i also bet whoever is making these rating accusation about women are rated between 1500-1800.... also like to see most of you haters chess players vs Polgar , bet most of you would lose.. Anyways this topic is disgusting and shouldn't even be a subject in forums...
Alright, I shall not argue anymore, as everyone thinks that following stereotype of men and women being the same makes you a better person.

My last argument: there's a reason why there are titles for female, not the male.

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