
request for analysis

This Lichess classic game was drawn after Black's 45th move.

Both players were under time pressure and neither could see a way of making progress.

Stockfish suggests 46. Kg2, g6 but certainly doesn't think that that would lead to a quick win for White.

So my question is: From the point of view of players with an average rating of around 1600, each with about a minute left on the clock, was calling a draw the right thing to do?

best readings from flunn01

@flunn01 In future, keep category in mind for game analysis.
To your game: Black seems much better, you can go Ke4 and put pressure on d4 pawn (with Rc4 next, and White can't defend it in the long run), White can't do anything besides playing Kg2-Kh3 back and forth it seems.
Endgames with 4 rooks can be complicated- counterplay can suddenly appear without warning- and black can still lose it with a rook stuck on b6. Still, offhand I agree with Jeff above. Black looks a lot better. Both Ke4 and Rc4 are worth trying, the black king may be able to invade via g4 or e4 and black can safely play a few waiting moves to give white a chance to make mistakes.
I would like to agree that black should be close to winning in this position.
Weak e4 which can be pressured with king and rook. In addition is the white king to far away from the action.
Black can endlessly try many ideas, White has no activity, you have the c-file and the b6 Rook controls e6 and prevents White from playing b6 himself. Even if you don't see an exact winning plan, this is an endgame where you can stumble around and play, since White has no meaningful counterplay
Right, the key is whether you actually have possibilities in the position. White has absolutely no meaningful way to play here, while Black has lots of ways to try and press for a win. The computers concluded that none of those ways actually work, so they agreed to a draw, but a human player should press for a win here as Black unless their opponent is a 3600-strength chess engine.
@flunn01 --
Can I make a suggestion? Take the final position and play it vs a computer. You will (likely) lose then track back to the first misstep and repeat. Try defending as white and see what the computer tries for black then switch colors. After each(series of ) failures try to summarize in your mind what the right idea is. There are a lot of interesting questions in the position like: Ke4 before or after Rc5? ...... What is a good/best placement of rook on c file before trying something? ....... Does the white king on h2 or h3 change possibilities? ....... How much is the c file worth? [should white give up material to get it?] ...... Try to exchange a pair of rooks? and ....... if so when? ....... Is there any time when g5 or e5 aids black? There are a lot of tactics in rook endings [so calculations] but there are also clues about what to look for. Searching for their clues here vs the computer is interesting [and I may try it myself too].
Thanks to swimmerBill, jeffforever and dfuchs for their useful comments on this position.

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