
Can I get my points back?

Perhaps for standard chess if the opponent has only a king, the resign button could be disabled, I guess.
I think that resignation from a position where your opponent only has a king it should count as a forced draw.

My logic behind this is that there is no possible sequence of moves that could possibly lead to a mate. There are no pieces to even give a check with.
I've done that before. Try to win and then when it liquidates to a draw, resign. Inadvertently, of course.
Yes, of course, it was my fault, and I don't really care about points, but I don't think that resigning in that position is the same as lose the game. Just be careful and try to avoid that missclick between the draw offer and the resign button.
In this specific case I see the hand flow being completely at fault, here is my reasoning:
- The last move played by black was hxg2, that means the cursor is hover around the g2 square
- The position is stalemate in one move, Kg3, which should be one square away from the cursor
- It is black's turn to move, if black offers a draw it will be black's time which is running out, this is why players always move their move and the immediately after they offer a draw so it is their opponent's time which runs down
- When black moved the cursor to offer the draw it must have gone at least close to the f3 square, where the king is
- A much longer route (than f3->g3) was traveled for that cursor to reach the resign button
- And a confirmation click happened

About the definition of resigning: It does suggest that the only objective in resigning is to not get mated, however losing on time is also possible
@purefan Losing on time results in a draw if the opponent lacks mating material. It seems reasonable to suggest that "resigning" when the opponent lacks mating material could do the same.

I don't think it is a big deal. But I do agree with the OP.
I donno about this one tbh. I have been trying to find something in the rules. But from where I am standing it looks like you can actually resign in a position like this. Which imo is a bit silly.

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