
Carlsen V. Morphy

watched on youtube carlsen playing six people blindfolded. I watched the games as they progressed and these players seemed like patzers, sometimes leaving pieces en prise for him to take. Anyway he was having trouble because there was a 12 minute time and the announcers were incompetent, forgetting to make his moves. Aside from all the disadvantages he was having trouble keeping the boards in mind. Now, the thought occurred to me: People are always comparing historic players to modern ones. I recall reading Morphy playing 8 blindfold at La Regence against some oftheir strongest players. As i recall, he drew two. Those in attendance were amazed. Using that as a yardstick, might it suggest that Morphy might have been a superior player?
In my opinion Morphy at his peak could beat anybody alive in an extended match. Of course, after brushing up on opening theory.

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