
Sorting Studies

I’ve been enjoying the Studies feature here for the past year. It is one of a few things that Lichess does better than my favorite website. But there remains a problem. Any one can create a study. I’d like to search studies and sort them by such things as:
only studies by titled players
only studies by players with ratings over 2000

Many studies are very good. Many more are a waste of my time. Some are terrible. Even some titled players have made some very poor studies, but the chances of quality goes up as the rating of the creator goes up.
Number of likes works fairly decent for me as a first filter between good and bad.

Sure it's a bit skewed by the author's popularity, but then the 2nd and more important filter comes: whether I like it or not.
I obviously only mark with a like the studies that I like and then I can always find them under "My favorite studies"

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