
My Classical: 1800, Bullet: 1100

Not sure if hilarious or pathetic :/

But to be honest, my bullet's probably more like... 1190? :P

Darn you, bullet.
Well, the problem might be getting to stressed and start to make random moves :). Your mindset should be that bullet and classical should be played the same way. You do need to calculate, you do need to look for threats and so. Just you need to play faster.
Yeah, my bullet it game is laughable, also. Difference is I don't really care at all. Just wanted you to know you're not alone.
Well my bullet is 2000(used to be 2100) and my blitz 2050 and my classical 2250. Most ratings go up with time

But dont think that these are reliable rating to compare with fide or uscf, because my OTB rating is 1600 (altought it has been going up for the past years)
Bullet 15xx with a max over 1600 and classical 1842 with a max of 1844. I need to get better at bullet and hyperbullet.
lol 1/2+0 and 0+1 bullet are very different than 2+1 or 0+4. You should try long bullet games and your rating will be much higher! Luckily Lichess does not have a seperate hyperbullet rating. That might change though.
#4 Hoi. It is not even reliable to track your own progress. That is unfortunate.

Same here btw0. My bullet ratging fluctuates around 1350. But it could also be due to the restrictions that come with age and it is not what i want chess to be about.
Nice to know there are other people with the same problem :)

@Sakram02: I agree, I panic and make random moves a lot! Plus I'm not a quick thinker in the first place, so I time out more than half the time without realizing it.

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