
An extremely good chessplayer

Seems engine xd

I mean, how black can be that bad after 7 moves????!!!! Seriously. Stockfish 10 evaluates the position as +2 for white, after 7.cxd4

Seem one of those moments when Nakamura in his streams says "Ummm... 1.e4... ya, should be winning XD"
Good game btw. It remember me to a good friend that usually play games like that, you should challenge him. @AxtlanSanchez is his nickname
To be honest I think the guy that won must have used engine. There is zero probability that he played all 35 moves perfect in line with stockfish. I have reported him, cause I too lost to him where he just played too engine-like. But the strangeness is that he not yet has been banned. Why? That is my question.
So this is sort of soft shaming?
If you reported this player then wait for any decision.
I do not think the above game was engine assisted: white played simple, natural moves and time use is human.
Anyway it is for lichess to decide, not for the forum to discuss.
22 Qxb8 seems a quicker low risk way of winning to me
This reminds me of my old Saragossa lines that I used a long time ago, often black feels as though they are in a fine position and on the surface it often appears that way but as Karpov often showed, while the position may look good now for my opponent wait and watch as my positional dominance kicks in later in the game and I win. The line white used requires specific thought about what whites accomplishing. His strength is a pass pawn in the center, which means black should be forced to blockade against it, however if white can keep activity and make black unable to properly blockade against it then it in the end will result in an effortless win.

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