
Strengths & Weakness of my game

Hi, I would be very grateful if someone could analyze my level of play.

I'm a very bad player. Sometimes I win, but I usually lose, specially playing online (I think I'm better playing offline with a real board). I practice offline with a Mephisto Junior (electronic chess) and a real board, ELO estimated of 1249 ( Sometimes I win against Mephisto.

Here is a good game for me:

And here, a bad one. I usually play bad with black:

I think that my primary fault is that I can't really focus on rival's movements, only in my tactic. So I often lose pieces, and make silly blunders.

Thank you very much for your help
PS: sorry for possible grammar mistakes, not my native language
At this level just stick to studying tactics. Spend as much time on tactics trainer as possible, because in both games the most apparent problem is the lack of awareness for simple captures. Once you get a decent grip on board awareness/tactical awareness you will start improving much faster.
Thank you, szeweningen2. I think you are right, because I have a little of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and It's for me very difficult being concentrate in a task (I hate watching a movie in the cinema, I can't wait until it ends without being nervous).

Thank you again, it really helps me!
It could be worth playing some correspondence games. You'll only need to focus for a few moves per day, so your lack of attention shouldn't be a problem. You'll make fewer mistakes, and have more opportunities to practise your tactics.

The downside is that it can take several days to finish a game
Only a year ago, I was also a complete beginner. (I was at level 1100 as well, and since then, I have improved to the 1550 rating :D).

Having once had the same problems as you, I can tell you that until you get a hold of blunders, it is difficult to improve, as you are basically a ticking time bomb ready to implode at any second. But with time, your brain starts getting used to chess and you will stop making blunders so often. But there are definitely things you can do to help you improve faster:

1. Watch John Bartholomew's Climbing the Ladder series on youTube. THIS IS THE BEST CHESS SERIES EVER! The series starts playing against low rated players, and he plays in classic-type style that demonstrates the basics of chess, and he even talks about mistakes beginners often make and even talks a bit about blunders and how to keep them under control. After watched the series for a while you start to "absorb" the stable playing style he uses, and you make way less blunders. Just watching the first three episodes will give you a huge boost. Even now, I go back and re-watch the series sometimes.

2. Try to play at least one game every day for one month. When I did this, I started to recognize patterns and realize why some things shouldn't be done (eg. they lead to losing a horse, queen, whatever). Playing consistently for an entire month really hammers these patterns into your brain and gives you some basic chess instincts. You'll see yourself getting better and better.

3. Have fun when you play. It's the easiest way to stay concentrated!

Sorry for writing so much, but I hope it helps you :D
When I was at your level I played a lot of correspondence games because it allows you to think a long time for certain moves. After many correspondence games, I kept on studying tactics and learning the basics of the most popular openings. Hopefully this helps :)
My apologies for the off-topic, some good advices are already given here :) Look at the second game Boniato gave, move 20 of Stockfish proves that Stockfish is a human playing with a mouse :D
Thank you all very much !

Definitely, I will watch "John Bartholomew's Climbing the Ladder" and I will take more time to play (avoiding ALWAYS less than 8m games)

PS: sorry for possible grammar mistakes, not my native language

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