
Would Garry Kasparov and Maurice Ashley be competitive today?

This is just my opinion:

@Runekage It's ONLY true when Maurice Ashley has Stockfish 8 on hand, and Magnus does not. I'd take Maurice + Stock over Magnus, but come on the guy is only like 2250-2350 strength nowadays. He isn't bad at chess by any means but he is one of the weakest GMs.

As for Kasparov still being strong... Yea most definitely he is still a beast of a chess player and still would be classified as a "Super GM" However, these days at his age and relatively out of practice he would not be the 2851 beast he once was. I would estimate his strength to be probably 2650-2750.

Maurice Ashley vs the #1 player in the world (Magnus) would get 0-10
Maurice Ashley vs the #10 player in the world (Aronian) would get 0-10 or 0.5-9.5

Garry Kasparov vs #1 player in the world (Magnus) Would get 2.5 - 7.5
Garry Kasparov vs #10 player in the world (Aronian) Would get 3 - 7

However, on a side note, I think Kasparov would be slight favorite vs Anand today in spite of Anand being #8 in the world... Anand just has such a winning record against him (16 to 4 with 31 draws) I think he may just have a shot of not losing to Anand because they played each other so many times and Kasparov seems to know how to deal with him. (It would be like the Kasparov short exhibition match)

Had Kasparov never retired I think he probably would have lost the title to Carlsen by now, but would remain in the top 5 players.
@lularose interesting analysis. Think you mixed up the Anand-Kasparov results but that still seems like a fair chance for Kasparov. PS never argued Kasparov would be 2851 nowadays so I agree with you ;)
@Runekage why do you persist in this query about the relative strength of Kasparov and Maurice Ashley vis-a-vis each other and the elite? I assumed you were just an innocent ignorant at first, but you've received several responses and you keep asking. Either you're trolling or maybe you should look for a game that requires less brainpower.

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