
Small theoretical question from a Sicilian Noobie.

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6

In the Kann Sicilian what is currently the best way to continue from blacks prospective in terms of the best positional setup?
I don't know the answer, but don't you think it depends on what white does to some extent ?
The analysis board after 5. Nc3 was going back and forth between 5. ... d5 and 5. ... Bb4
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6
5. Nc3 Lets say white goes with the usual.
I didnt know the Sicilian Defense in general was a positional defense lol. And also I only play the Najdorf, so I guess I am in the wrong place here.

In my patzerian opinion I would go with g6 and with b5. Fianchetooing both bishops with Ne7 seems good, but for some weird reason the engine doenst like my opinion lol. I would look to get rid of the d7 knight by exchanging it with Nc6 and later playing d5 capturing with the knight.
g6 is quite common. I want something for my play that I will like in the Sicilian since the Najdorf is way way way too crazy for me. I cant stand all the tactics. Absolutely cant stand tactics maybe here in a few months once I can get better at it ill play it some. :( I dont care about the engines opinion it says black is practically losing after 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6
The engine is confused why black is playing the way he is. So am I quite frankly but since c5 is the most common reply to e4 I better know a thing or two myself.
Lol engines know nothing but tactics. And actually, I wouldnt actually tell you to play the Najdorf, but to start with 1.e4 and forget about "positional" stuff. If you dont know tactics and cant stand them, then you cant play positional chess, sometimes you restrain your opponent or complete your positional goals via tactics. I think everyone with agree with me on the mentioned before.
Against Kan also 5.Bd3 has to be considered, with the idea to later play Nd2-c4 where it has an eye on b6 and d6.

For black the double fianchetto (Nf6,d6,Qc7,g6,Bg7,0-0,b6,Bb7) is then one of the most solid setups. White then plays Maroczy style, pawn to c4, N to c3. Black restricts himself to the three last ranks until he has fully developed. White will try to press against d6 (Nd4-f3, Bf4, Rd1), while black prepares pawn breaks like ..b5 or ..d5 attacking whites center. If white prevents that, often the game will be a bit moving back and forth for both sides. Everyone hopes for his chance. In practice blacks position is comfortable to play but objectively white has a slight advantage.

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