
Worst Music to listen while driving drunk.

Worst means there is a best music to drive drunk to, which is not the case. Don't ever drive drunk, ever.
@ThePracticeGuy said in #1:

If by "driving drunk" you mean RIDING as a passenger while a sober person drives, listen to whatever you want and just get home safely. No way I want myself or family or friends encountering a drunk driver no matter what is on the radio.
You can go to jail for drunk driving and you can easily get killed in an accident.
LOL. It took a while, but the morality police finally showed up on page 3.
@Frogster64 said in #26:
> LOL. It took a while, but the morality police finally showed up on page 3.

Yep, we got this!
̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄

Knock it off guys...
Be safe

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