
What is your favourite openings?

My favourite openings are italian game and sicilian defense, my favourite variation is the evans gambit.
The Amar opening, also known as the Ammonia or Drunken Knight opening. So bad, it's good.
Alekhine's defense, Four pawwns attack, 7. Be3. It's just awesome to play!
e4 - Nf3 - Nc3 or Bf5... Maybe h3 or f4... Idk, but I hate c3, b3 and a3...
I like the king indian, French Defense, and Sicilian,... I like the War, the unbalanced positions, closed centers, complicated games, fighting on opposite sides, tactical shots etc etc etc
Alright, I don't know if this is considered an "opening" per se...the fools mate declined.

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