IM NPezelj Lichess coach picture

IM Novak Pezelj

Chess is not easy. It is hard work. It is passion. It is love.

LocationSombor Serbia
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 2496
Hourly rate40$ per hour. Training games 20$ per hour, all time controls are possible.
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I was born at 18th of July 1983. Live at Sombor, Serbia with two daughters. I am Fide trainer and also IM, Fide rated 2475elo.
Please feel free to contact me on mail for training games and improvement.
My rates are nominal,i charge it for basic level student for one hour of playing 10$, for one hour of tutoring25$.
Some things that you can learn from me are:
01. Think about position and have a dialogue with yourself when your opponent is on the move
(use the your opponents time, not to calculate, but to understand position better, try to see ideas, long terms maneuvers, and find
weaknesses in your AND your opponent position. try to express yourself)
02. Motivate yourself all the time (motivation is greatest power of person, even in chess lack of motivation can be harmfull for position)
03. Never give up from your position, or even idea. (if you mess something up, not resign right away.. try to understand new position and
to activate rest of your pieaces the best you can.. while pieces are passive their strenght is lower, and with every move piece
gain some of power)
Gens Una Sumus

Playing experience

30 years of playing chess.
Won ConSol Weltrekord Cup 2011
Many time rapid tournament winner. (rapid peak fide elo 2545)
Currently play Germany, Croatian, Hungarian and Serbian clubs.
Winner of Bavarian Team Cup 2019 competition for Bavaria Regensburg 1881 team (FM / WIM Jana Schneider am Spitzenbrett, IM Novak Pezelj an Brett 2, Cédric Oberhofer am dritten und Lars Goldbeck am vierten Brett)

Teaching experience

I start teaching chess 3 years ago.
18 months ago i stop doing my other job and commit only to chess.
I worked with Vuk Zegarac, 2017 year bronze medal on Serbian junior championship, and for last two and half years with Milos Stankovic who is now actual Serbian Champion for 2019. under 16!
Also I worked with 20 Turkish students, and i was leading them at last Turkish kids championship held at January 2018 in Antalya.
I am curently playing for SC Bavaria Regensburg 1881 and also coach there the first team.
I have chess school in my home tawn Sombor, Serbia.
Selector and coach of Serbian Junior team on European Youth Team Chess Championship 2019 - U18 Open

Other experiences

I am still student of Philosophy.
Like to read and walk.
Leaving healthy and happy.

Best skills

I like open games. Play both, e4 and d4.
Tactic and combinations.
Develop intuition and efficiency in game play.
Undrestanding ideas and plans.

Teaching methodology

Step by step, combining large chess knowlidge and students interest, finding best way to locate and improve student virtue. Working to mix hard work and pure chess joy.
I will just name few books which i use in my lessons:
Aagaard Jacob - Excelling at Combinational Play
Aagaard Jacob - Excelling at Positional Chess
Aagaard Jacob - Excelling at Technical Chess
Averbakh Yury - Chess Middlegames. Essential Knowledge
Dreev - Improve Your Practical Play in the Middlegame
Gelfand Boris - Dynamic Decision Making in Chess
Gelfand Boris - Positional Decision Making in Chess
Silman Jeremy - How To Reassess Your Chess
Dvoretsky Mark - Maneuvering.The Art of Piece Play
Dvoretsky Mark - Recognizing Your Opponent's Resources
Yusupov Artur - Chess Lessons
Aagaard Jacob - Attacking Manual-I
Aagaard Jacob - Attacking Manual-II
Aagaard Jacob - Grand Master Attack & Defense
Aagaard Jacob - Grand Master Preparation Positional Play
Aagaard Jacob - Grandmaster Preparation - Calculation
Aagaard Jacob - GrandMaster Preparation Strategic Play
Beim Valeri - The Enigma of Chess Intuition
Beim Valery - How to Play Dynamic Chess
Beim Valery - Lessons in Chess Strategy
Lakdawala Cyrus - Ferocious Opening Repertoire
Lakdawala Cyrus - The Alekhine Defence
Watson John - A Strategic Chess Opening Repertoire for White
Nunn John - Nunn Understanding Chess Middlegames

Public studies

Silman Jeremy - How To Reassess Your Chess 01

2 • IM NPezelj •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 3
  3. Chapter 4
  4. Chapter 5
  1. IM NPezelj

Recognizing Your Opponent's Resources 1/5

2 • IM NPezelj •
  1. Leko - Piket
  2. Veselovsky - Psakhis
  3. Yanvarev - Shcherbakov
  4. Chapter 5
  1. IM NPezelj

Howel endgames ex

1 • IM NPezelj •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 3
  3. Chapter 4
  4. Chapter 5
  1. IM NPezelj