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Lichess Feedback - Rating range is now disabled on "Create a game"?#9

Not according to the box that appears on the homepage after I submit the modal. It shows the range I selected. Maybe the system is still ignoring it.. I don't know. I haven't been paired yet..

Lichess Feedback - Rating range is now disabled on "Create a game"?#7

Well, if you know how to use developer tools on a browser, this is easily bypassable.

Lichess Feedback - Rating range is now disabled on "Create a game"?#5

But, the problem is that it's still applying the rating range that I last selected... so now I'm stuck looking for a very narrow range!

Lichess Feedback - Rating range is now disabled on "Create a game"?#4

Oh, if you hover it now says that if you're provisional you cannot use the rating range. I guess that's a new feature because it worked recently.

Lichess Feedback - Rating range is now disabled on "Create a game"?#3

I am using real-time.

Lichess Feedback - Rating range is now disabled on "Create a game"?#1

I just tried to create a game both via the "Custom" and "Create a game" buttons on the homepage. The modal opens but the rating range is disabled so I cannot change it. It used to work. Bug?
