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61 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Swiss Tournaments#14

I didn't know lichess at that time, but I do think 'unpopular' might mean different things. Please consider: - there is a much larger userbase now - one 30+30 equals many 15s games in terms of time pl…

Lichess Feedback - Swiss Tournaments#10

- Almost no-one played them - The format doesn't really work for the non-committal, drop-in/drop-out nature of internet chess This drop-in/drop-out nature of internet chess thrives here to a large ex…

Lichess Feedback - How do decline a rematch offer?#5

I must say I am not a fan of this "simple design" either. It somehow reminded me of this: Everything should be as simple as possible, but not simpler. Refus…

Lichess Feedback - Casual tournaments with friends#4

This suggestion comes back every now and then. I will leave you with a link to a related forum post: I do think it…

Lichess Feedback - One vs Many (feature)#10

Lichess Feedback - New 'Rematch' button#9

I agree that having a separate button was better and more clear than is the case now.

Lichess Feedback - [suggestion] Merge analysis and move times graph#1

Thanks for another update! A small suggestion that might be useful (or not). What if in the analysis graph, instead of an evenly spaced step-size on the x-axis, we had an option to use the move times …

Lichess Feedback - Practice + Training features#1

I am working my way through the new Practice problems and am really liking them! It leaves me with the following suggestion (I would love to help coding this but unfortunately that wouldn't be for any…

Lichess Feedback - Correspondence tournaments?#3

+1 The suggestion pops up now and then on the forum. See for example Correspondence games are more prone to frau…

Lichess Feedback - New chess variants?#15

@Clark94 It is where the code behind lichess lives and is being developed. You can also report bugs there and suggest changes in the code directly. @JoeMaro Thanks for the link. I am not a fan of the …
