
Search "user:sheckley666"

2459 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Does “playtime” make a difference?#2

Why should playtime make a difference? 1 It's not someone's total chesstime. 2 Most people are improving for some time after beginning with chess, then they level off.

Lichess Feedback - Not accepted resigning#2

Click the resign button twice, or switch off resign confirmation in the settings.

General Chess Discussion - chess rating#4

@jyeshta21 said in #1: > my question is am i underrated, and should continue fide tournements, to reach above 2000 fide classical, or am i quite old and it is not a realistic goal? Nobody can tell you…

Lichess Feedback - Show refutation to incorrect puzzle move#4

You have to go back one move. Then you wait for the engine. Note: You would have to wait for the engine anyway, because it would be very difficult to save the refutation of any possible wrong move som…

General Chess Discussion - Cuáles son tus mayores errores que cometes en tus partidas?#2

I'm still looking for the mistakes I do not make frequently.

Lichess Feedback - Illegal castling by stockfish 16#5

@chesshowler said in #4: > maybe try this link:- > > Here, you explicitly allow castling, although the black…

Lichess Feedback - Illegal castling by stockfish 16#2

My stockfish doesn't castle here.

General Chess Discussion - Is it okay two create two accounts?#4

Quoted from here: Multiple accounts - Having more than one account is not allowed, barring specific circumstances. For example, titled players are automatically en…

General Chess Discussion - Castling is over-rated; occasionally useful#6

@immortal_coyote said in #1: > The corners are where checkmates happen Cause and effect. Checkmates happen where the kings are.
