
Chuck Norris is so tough...

@huellyouhappy Chuck Norris built the hospital he was born in.
Chuck Norris can kill you six times before you can punch him, and can kill you ten more times before you hit the ground.
Chuck Norris is so tough that he beat the all-mighty @komoki with one punch.

Chuck Norris is so though that he beat all the monsters that have plagued Strange Solar System in one punch.

@ultramuddish Should we hire Chuck Norris as part of our team?
Some more stuff:
Chuck Norris kicked the world once, it hasn’t stopped spinning.
Chuck Norris is not infected by COVID , he infects it.
When Chuck Norris crosses the road, the cars look both ways for him.
Fear of spiders is arachnophobia, fear of tight spaces is claustrophobia, fear of Chuck Norris is common sense.
@A_0123456 Well let's wait when we get over 500 members, the almighty Chuck Norris wouldn't even know what our team is.
Chuck Norris did not join the Air Force, the Air Force joined him.
Chuck Norris caught coronavirus, he gave it one last warning and let it go.
Chuck Norris doesn’t need to hoarde toilet paper, he will just hold it until The pandemic is over.
chuck norris beat one punch man with zero punches, chuck norris is officially zero punch man
chuck norris won a game of go against alphago in 0 moves
#20: I was under the impression that it was "empty room," not living room.
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Chuck Norris's chess board has 1000 squares.

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