
Chess Tutor Recommendation

I have been taking online chess lessons for a few months. It has helped me improve a lot more than I anticipateed. We do the lesson via Skype. They first show me chess strategies and then we play a game or two. I highly recommend their service.


They are offering a free 1 hour lesson to anyone interested. Below are their rates if you want to continue after the free lesson.

$30 if you buy 1 hour
$15 per hour if you buy 8 hours
With all due respect, if you've played chess - note not learning - you should be able to be over the 1200~ rank mark.

This is not exactly the 'perfect' marketing you're doing; rather expressing.

On the other hand, you may face some difficulties in your life, that is preventing you from learning quicker than others, and if so, I heavily apologize.

I wish you all of the best luck on your journey to improving your chess abilities, cheers!

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