
seniors chess

Hello sir! Sadly i can't help because im just a 12 years old guy and i don't know any groups of chess for seniors, sorry.
@Marc0_2nd_acc said in #2:
> Hello sir! Sadly i can't help because im just a 12 years old guy and i don't know any groups of chess for seniors, sorry.

12 years old kids should have "kids mode" enabled = communications/forum disabled.

check "Creating an Account" on Lichess terms of service lol
While not actually a "seniors" group, you will find a lot of good older chessplayers playing in the 10 5 rapid pool.
You are a baby compared to me! Let me know when you find a group and we can discuss descriptive notation and reading chessbooks instead of watching youtube videos and twitch channels!
Well what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what does does does does doesdoesdoesdoesodesodes thisthisthisthisthisthisthis mean mean mean mean mean
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