
Quickplay Finish

A fallen flag does not prove a player can win with normal means. With equally valued positions, we should be able to claim an automatic draw before a flag falls. Normally a player would call an arbiter before the time runs out, proving that the opponent is not trying to win by normal means. It is not an easy task to prove, unless the written results show continuous pre-moves so that the opponents time runs out.

Maybe we need a hidden button that that will appear when a player plays premoves in the end game so that they win a lost game on time. The button would say "Claim Autodraw".

It seems odd to know that we can artificially increase our rating by winning on time. Winning by normal means, is by checkmate or a draw. So maybe there should also be a different k-factor rating calculation for games won by the clock.
I am a little bit tired of hearing those complains.
Simple solution: play with increment!

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