
Checkmate is now unavoidable after checkmate is already unavoidable

When the analysis board says that checkmate is now unavoidable when it had already said that checkmate is unavoidable does that mean that the side getting checkmated made moves that will speed up the checkmate?
Link to game or position?

Keep in mind that let's say "checkmate is now unavoidable" for black, that means it's unavoidable with correct play by white. But if white makes a mistake then checkmate can become avoidable again (the King gets away), only to then become unavoidable again if black makes another mistake.

Indeed there are positions where white has a forced mate sequence on black but any mistake in that sequence means black instead gets a forced mate on white. They come up often in the tactics puzzles.
This game would be an example of what I am referring to.

In this game the analysis board says that checkmate is unavoidable after checkmate has been unavoidable and without saying "Lost Forced Checkmate Sequence."
It's because stockfish lost the checkmate sequence. You see it says +10 not #12 or whatever it should be. This happens quite often for variants.

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